LIMO, 2023

The intention is to give expression to an uncertain world in which any sense of community is fast disappearing.  In this endeavour, LIMO has travelled along the area bordering the Tuscan Lake Massaciuccoli to bear witness to the state of neglect and decay that characterises many of its features and urban settings. The choice of this territory, forming the subject matter of this photographic research, was dictated by the possibility of working at short-range. In this way it was possible to observe through a privileged lens, with the sense of proximity and belonging, not only specific local degeneration but the general disregard, neglect and lack of interest in the environment and the consequences of rash and ineffective territorial policies. 

In the case of Massaciuccoli, eutrophication phenomena, especially since the latter half of the last century, have resulted in a significant worsening of water quality, the disappearance of almost all submerged vegetation and the lake's entire biological community. The most significant impact of the pollution and degradation of the aquatic ecosystem can be seen in the loss of fish, and thus the consequent economic disaster for the Massaciuccoli community, for whom fishing has traditionally been one of the main economic activities. These photographs reflect the interwoven relationships with people and places, in an effort to investigate the ordinary and recognise the constant commitment of those who live in the territory, doing what they can in an attempt to protect and take care of it.

Le immagini come forma di racconto
FMAV, Scuola di Alta Formazione
Modena, IT, 2024

Spazi, Incontri e Identità
FSM Gallery, Fondazione Studio Marangoni
Firenze, IT, 2023/2024

Paesaggi, Affinità e Divergenze
Festival di documentazione e narrazione del paesaggio 
Cuneo, IT, 2023

N. 17 

Witness Journal
WJ #142

Rubrica Perimetro Naturale

Special Mention
Urbanautica Institute Awards